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Big Little Lies Book Review

This was a good one! I love Liane Moriarty books in general, and I barreled through Big Little Lies because I could NOT put it down! I will do my best not to give anything away, but the book allows you to start out with the knowledge that someone has died, possibly been murdered. Unlike most "murder mysteries" where you know who died and then have to find out throughout the book who killed them, in Big Little Lies, you don't know who died!

It killed me! Ha. Ha. The way Moriarty phrased sentences made you think maybe it was this person, and then maybe it was that person. I was a nervous wreck the whole time! And perhaps that was the only downfall of the book, if you can call it that, simply because it wasn't necessarily a "relaxing" read. But, man, did it keep me on edge and interested and engaged the whole way through! (Kind of like Gone Girl, only not quite so extreme. I hated that book but was so fascinated there was no way I could put it down.)

Big Little Lies had Moriarty's classic well-rounded characters and relationships. Nothing was lacking in that department, and there were mysteries aplenty throughout the book. And thankfully, after all that tension, there were a few happy endings. But I won't tell you which ones. You'll have to read it to find out for yourself. ;)

And no, I have not seen the show. I'm not sure why. I've heard it's pretty good. Maybe I'll give it a shot, but I usually love the book so much better, maybe I'm afraid it will ruin it for me. 

Side note — I thought it was kinda cool that Stephen King has a little quote on the front cover. I can't read his books or watch those movies, it doesn't take much to freak me out, but I did read his book, On Writing, and absolutely loved it. It made me appreciate him and gave me a great deal of respect for him as a writer. Anyway, it's a really good read, especially for aspiring writers!

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