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book review the road back to you enneagram

I know... my feet and pretty rugs are missing. That’s what happens when you read on your Kindle.

I just finished The Road Back to You, recommended to me by my latest tattoo guy, @gabrieltenneson He said this book should be on the shelf next to the Bible. Another friend said this was a good introduction to enneagram. 

If you’re not familiar with the enneagram, it’s an ancient personality chart that gets to the core of who you are... what your fears are and what you believe about yourself even as a child. But the main goal is not just to figure out what your type is, it’s also to figure out how to grow, heal, develop, and become a more rounded person despite your type! And how to appreciate and have compassion for the other types. 

This book was really easy and fun to read as well as insightful. There are also free enneagram tests online to help you figure out what your type is. 

I love stuff like this. And I do find it very useful in explaining myself and to help me push past some of the things that hold me back. It’s also been fun figuring out what my kids are. Lula’s is SO obvious while I still don’t have Diesel figured out quite yet. 

Let me know what your type is if you choose to find out... and then I’ll let you know what mine is and we can talk about how crazy we all are! ;)

*Click on the image to go to Amazon where you can purchase the book. Yes, this is an affiliate link. :)

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