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Book Review The Story of Arthur Truluv

Looking for a quick, easy read? One that will warm your heart and lift your spirit? Ding, ding, ding! This little book, The Story of Arthur Truluv, can be read in a day... if you have a day for reading. Sigh. Doesn't that sound lovely? Sorry, got lost there. Back to the book... It’s a page turner mainly because you’ll want to spend time with the characters... even though some might consider them a bit fluffy and typecast. (And they are I'm afraid.)

One member of my book club said this was a fairytale. And I think I would agree with that assessment. There was much that made one very curious... how did that happen, that seemed a little too easy, etc. So do keep in mind this is a light read. And there is a bit of language and a couple of "naughty" scenes in the beginning. But if you need a break from the heavy duty reading you're doing, or you're not much of a reader and need something to do while lounging by the pool, then this is a nice little story. 

There’s grief and sadness, but there’s also so much redemption. This story shows how just a little love and a little less self can go a very long way. There's a sequel to this and I'm hoping to get to it someday. 

(Side note: I’ve also been reading Imagine Heaven, which is about... heaven. :) So every time the characters in The Story of Arthur Truluv speculated about what the afterlife might be like, I wanted to raise my hand and say, "I know! I know!")

*Click on the image to go to Amazon where you can purchase the book. Yes, this is an affiliate link. :)

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