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Book Review: UNSEEN

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Unseen by Sara Hagerty Book Review

Savory. Sweet. Slow. Those are the best words to describe Unseen by Sara Hagerty

It took me months to read this book. Not because it was a difficult read, but because I wanted to linger over each section, each thought. I wanted to taste it and test it and savor it. Like the most decadent desserts, this book is so rich, you can only take small bites at a time and then enjoy that bite before digging into another. Which is why it was perfect as a daily devotional even though it's not intentionally set up that way. 

When I first read the description on the jacket cover, I wasn't interested. My sister-in-law gave this to me as a going away present when we were leaving for Singapore. And I thought, "I don't need this book. I know exactly what it means to be UNSEEN. I've always been a supporter... behind the scenes, and whenever I try to be in the spotlight, it never works out. I've got this Unseen thing down!" 

But I was completely wrong. I don't have it down at all and I was completely mistaken about what being unseen even means. Sara Hagerty weaves the story of Mary anointing Jesus' feet with oil with bits of Hagerty's own life story and the story of us all. It was beautiful, lovely, and a very new perspective about spending time with and lingering with Jesus that I hadn't really heard before... at least not in such a way as this. It's hard to put into words what this really about. You'll just have to read it for yourself to find out. :)

This is one of those books I'll read again... an important message that needs to be remembered and I'll need to be reminded of time and again. 

If you'd like to get your own copy, click on the link or picture. (affiliate link)

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