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You Were Never Really Here book review

You Were Never Really Here by Jonathan Ames was an impressively small book, but that's because (spoiler alert) it's a cliffhanger. I kept thinking, there's no way this story will resolve in this small amount of space, and it doesn't. But I'm totally hooked! And can't wait for the next one to come out! (According to several interviews I've read, apparently Ames is working on a sequel. Fingers crossed it makes it to the shelves!)

Joe is instantly likeable even though he's not emotionally accessible. He easily reminds me of Jason Bourne, one of my favorite action characters of all time, but with perhaps a bit more darkness attached to his history and demeanor. 

I love action movies, like Bourne, but I'm not sure if I've ever read an action book before. I'm sure I've read thrillers, but this book shocked me a bit because I don't remember ever having read anything like it before. I was sort of mesmerized by the action scenes. Writing an action scene... seems like quite a complicated task... writing in words something that happens in a matter of seconds and that's so physical, but Ames does it well. The first scene of the book is a fight scene, so you're immediately in, and it's slightly intoxicating. 

Why are we drawn to these things? As someone who isn't violent, I really love a good fight scene! I think about this sometimes. Perhaps it's the bottled up emotions and politeness and tip-toeing around people that make us want to indulge in violence. Those pent up frustrations rarely have an aggressive outlet... unless you exercise a lot perhaps? But I don't. So when I see a good fight scene, I want to be in the middle of it. I want the good guy to win of course, but I wish I could be his sidekick and bloody my knuckles a bit. I've never hit someone in my entire life and sometimes I feel like I'm missing out. 

And then I remember the scripture about turning the other cheek and think, Dang it! Of course, if I ever see someone hurt one of my kids, I'll punch first and repent later. 

OK... enough of that little rant. Back to the book. It's good and I like it. Simple as that. I've heard the movie is a bit different and that if I liked the book, I shouldn't watch the movie. And I've read mixed reviews about the movie. So I'll leave that one up to you. It sounds a bit dark and graphic for me while the book was dark and graphic without being gratuitous or "too much". And you know after my The North Water review that things can definitely be too much for me. So this little book was a relief, especially since I read it after quitting The North Water the first time! While intense and thrilling, it wasn't over the top. 

So let me know if you've read this, if you're going to read it, if you've seen the movie, etc., etc. Curious to know if you like it as much as I did. 

Buy You Were Never Really Here: Amazon | Book Depository

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